New York Regulatory Process
For offshore wind projects to provide renewable energy to New York State, the power generated from an offshore wind project must connect and/or deliver to New York’s electricity grid. The New York State Public Service Commission authorizes NYSERDA to issue competitive solicitations for offshore wind energy to developers. Components of the project that are located within New York State boundaries (on land and within three nautical miles from shore) must adhere to State laws and regulations as outlined on NYSERDA’s Permits and Approvals webpage. State permitting and consultation requirements include the following:
- NYS Public Service Commission (NYS PSC) authorizes the transmission system connecting the offshore wind farm to the State’s electricity grid.
- NYS Department of Environmental Conservation/NYS Public Service Commission permits for coastal environmental impacts.
- NYS Office of General Services easement for underwater cables.
- NYS Department of State Federal Consistency Review under the New York State Coastal Management Program. A Renewable Energy Geographic Location Description (GLD) grants the Department automatic review of proposed activities within an area of federal waters on the Outer Continental Shelf.
- NYS Department of Transportation permit for work on State-owned roads.
Offshore Wind Public Policy Transmission Need (PPTN) Solutions
In New York, transmission needs driven by public policy requirements are identified by the New York Public Service Commission (PSC) and implemented by the New York Independent System Operator, Inc. (NYISO) through a competitive, multi-step process referred as a Public Policy Transmission Need (PPTN) process. Through NYISO, developers propose new electric infrastructure to address this need for reliable renewable energy, while meeting specific project criteria. Selected projects are eligible for receiving public funds under the Independent System Operator Open Access Transmission Tariff.
The PPTN process consists of the following main steps:
- Identification of Public Policy Transmission Needs
- Requests for proposed Public Policy Transmission Projects and Other Public Policy Projects
- Evaluation of the viability and sufficiency of proposed transmission and non-transmission projects to address the Public Policy Transmission Needs
- Evaluation and selection of the more efficient or cost-effective Public Policy Transmission Project to satisfy each Public Policy Transmission Need
Since 2021, NYISO released solicitations for the Long Island PPTN and NYC PPTN to advance New York’s offshore wind policy needs. The Long Island PPTN solution was awarded and more information can be found at Propel NY Energy. The NYC PPTN will be an end-to-end transmission solution that can deliver at least 4,770 MW of offshore wind generation into New York City through water and land connections. Visit the NYISO’s NYC PPTN FAQ document to learn more.
To learn more about the regulatory process required federally and state-wide, visit NYSERDA’s Table of Permits and Approvals.