On December 18, 2024, the New York State Office of Renewable Energy Siting and Transmission (ORES) pursuant to The Renewable Action Through Project Interconnection and Deployment (RAPID) Act issued a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking in the State Register to modify regulations for siting, design, construction, and operation of major renewable generation and major electric transmission facilities under Public Service Law Article VIII. Learn more here. Comments are being accepted through March 18, 2025.
The New York State Energy and Research Development Authority (NYSERDA) released a request for information (RFI) on December 18, 2024 for their 6th solicitation (NY6) for Offshore Renewable Energy Certificates (ORECs) with specific emphasis on integrating the potential structure with the New York Independent System Operator’s (NYISO’s) ongoing New York City Public Policy Transmission Need (NYC PPTN) solicitation. Responses are due February 19, 2025.
This website is intended to provide general information about the goals and status of the New York State Maritime Technical Working Group (M-TWG). Additionally, it offers access to resources related to the nexus of offshore wind, and maritime transportation and navigation sectors.
Note: This website is still under development and new functionality will be added in the coming months.
What is the Maritime Technical Working Group (M-TWG)?
The Maritime Technical Working Group (M-TWG) is an independent and non-decisional advisory entity made up of representatives from the maritime transportation sector, navigation community, and offshore wind developers who provide guidance and advice on how to responsibly implement New York State’s efforts to advance offshore wind energy development. State and federal agencies also are engaged in this group to provide technical experience and assist with coordination. The regional focus of this group is the New York/New Jersey Harbor and its approaches, including the New York Bight and Long Island Sound. For more information on the New York State Offshore Wind TWGs, visit NYSERDA’s website.
M-TWG Mission
The mission of the M-TWG is to provide guidance to New York State in pursuit of offshore wind energy development by incorporating feedback from the maritime industry as it relates to commercial shipping impacts, navigational safety, and port and supply chain changes associated with offshore wind. New York State has established a mandate of 9,000 MW of installed offshore wind energy capacity by 2035. The information generated through the M-TWG will inform New York and its partners to potentially reduce or avoid navigational impacts that could result from offshore wind energy development.
M-TWG Goals
M-TWG members have articulated these four (4) goals to guide the working group’s initiatives:
- Build and strengthen relationships among those who care about and work on commercial navigation matters
- Provide a forum for collaborative, respectful deliberation and information exchange on important maritime topics
- Ensure that participants are aware of and are able to engage with related offshore wind development efforts in the region occurring in other forums
- Support the state’s efforts to meet its offshore wind goals
Who are the M-TWG Members?
The M-TWG is led by the New York State Department of State (NYSDOS) with support from the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA). The working group is made up of representatives from the maritime and navigation communities, offshore wind developers, and state and federal agencies with interests in maritime transportation, navigational safety, and offshore wind. Additional representatives, as determined by NYSDOS to be critical to the conversation, may be invited to participate or join the M-TWG as well.
To view the current M-TWG roster click here.
M-TWG Framework
The MTWG Framework describes member expectations, goals, and objectives proposed as part of New York State’s efforts to advance the responsible and cost-effective development of offshore wind energy to achieve the State’s mandated target of 9,000 MW of installed capacity by 2035.